COVID-19 Vaccination Experience – SAMESH team

The SAMESH team are proud to declare we have all received our COVID-19 vaccines and are fully vaccinated. We were eligible for COVID-19 vaccination under the Phase 1B rollout, which started earlier in 2021, due to our office location with SHINE SA’s Hyde Street Practice.

Why did we choose to get vaccinated?

  • To protect ourselves, our community, colleagues, family, and friends
  • Share the experience of getting vaccinated and encouraging others to do the same
  • Help reduce potential transmissions of COVID-19
  • We are a program built around public health
  • To stay engaged with the community and our work
  • We work with people who have compromised immune systems

We recognised that getting vaccinated was important for us to do so we could continue to stay as engaged as possible with our work and community. As a program built around community and workforce engagement, it just made sense that we would take up the opportunity to get vaccinated.

What was it like to get vaccinated?
For most of us, it was a simple process that involved booking an appointment online at a vaccination hub or with our GP if they offered it at the time. Some team members initially booked to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine, then changed to Pfizer after the recommendations were revised. Meanwhile, some staff did receive AstraZeneca as they had their appointment before the changed recommendations came into effect.

Regardless of which vaccine we received, the SAMESH team experienced only mild symptoms that lasted for around 2-3 days. We all agreed that feeling slightly unwell for a couple of days was worth getting vaccinated compared to the potential risk of COVID. We are fortunate and thankful that our management teams have been supportive and flexible with vaccination dates and time off if we did experience side effects.

How can you get vaccinated?
We acknowledge that some people may not be able to access the vaccine for several different reasons. However, if you can get vaccinated, you can do so in the following ways:

By accessing the SA Health website, to book your appointment,
Booking your appointment with your GP if they offer COVID vaccinations

If you have concerns regarding getting vaccinated, we encourage you to speak with your regular GP or treating physician. Staff at vaccination sites were also very helpful, asking about any health conditions and answering our questions.

If you feel unwell or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, we encourage you to self-isolate and seek a COVID testing site. Wear a mask at all times in public and maintain proper hand hygiene to prevent the spread.
If your condition is serious or deteriorates quickly, call 000.

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