SAMESH presents Positive Ageing for Positive People, a community-centred workshop series for people living with HIV, aged 45 years and over. The program is designed to support participants in developing skills and strategies for positive ageing. The project is supported by a Positive Ageing Fellowship Grant from the Office for Ageing Well.

The objectives of the project are to:

  • Improve quality of life
  • Contribute to community and individual wellbeing
  • Develop leadership skills
  • Support participants to define a sense of purpose
  • Increase connection and social opportunities and develop lasting and supportive relationships.

The workshop program is open to all South Australian people living with HIV, aged 45 years and over. Participants will be required to commit to full participation in the program.

The first half of the program will consist of workshops facilitated by community health experts and SAMESH staff. These will focus on self-care, skill recognition, resilience and peer support within a positive environment

The second half of the program will be participant-led and consist of workshops facilitated by attendees.

Positive Ageing for Positive People will energise participants and encourage:

  • Personal development and growth
  • Empowerment and self-advocacy
  • Building connections and strengthening relationships
  • Improve confidence and optimism
  • Develop positive life strategies and problem-solving skills
  • Recognise and value life skills, personal experiences, and authentic engagement
  • Immersion in the creation of environments that foster growth and wellbeing.

Workshops will be held from 10.00am to 4.00pm on the first Tuesday of the month from July 2023 to June 2024 at 57 Hyde Street, Adelaide.

The building is accessible and lunch will be provided.

Register via the form below or here.

For more info, contact HIV Peer Navigator Paul Dugan at [email protected] or on 0429 179 908.

This project is supported by funding from Office for Ageing Well, SA Health through the Positive Ageing Fellowship Grants.

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