Welcome to the new SAMESH website

The SAMESH website received an update recently! This new look is part of our mission for everyone to have accessible information related to HIV and sexual health.

You will also find a number of new features appearing on the website in the future. This includes:

  • Our News section, where we will share information on topical issues related to your sexual health and well-being and also highlight SAMESH events and activities. In the future we will be adding the option to subscribe so you can receive articles directly to your email.
  • Events will also be listed on our website for those who may not have social media under a new events page.
  • We are in the process of creating an online ordering option for community members in South Australia to request condoms and other safe sex products. We will also be looking into postal delivery for those living in regional and rural South Australia where it may be difficult to access safer sex products.
    Online ordering will be launched at a later date and is still under development. If you need safe sex products now, you get in touch via our contact page.

We are excited about these new additions to our site and new ways to reach our communities with important information and services.

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