What Works: Ben
We are excited about the launch of our What Works campaign – featuring the faces of local South Australians. We recently asked the community models from the campaign about why they chose to be involved and what works for them when it comes to preventing HIV.
First up, we talked to Ben.
Why did you choose to be part of the What Works campaign?
I have always taken sexual health very seriously and was excited to be involved. I am also involved in local community events such as Gay Bingo and raising money for the Queer Youth Drop-In.
What options work for you to protect yourself and your sexual partners from HIV?
I have taken PrEP for some time now, and before that I always used condoms. PrEP has been an incredible game-changer in HIV prevention, and I was very excited when it became available.
Who is responsible for ensuring safe sex options are discussed between sexual partners?
We’re all responsible for discussing safe sex. Much like consent, it is an important conversation before, during, and after sex, and should be an ongoing discussion that can be revisited if things change. Having honest and open discussions about safe sex preferences shouldn’t be difficult.
How has the introduction of PrEP and U=U impacted your HIV prevention decisions?
PrEP allows me to feel very confident in my sexual health and has been an important part of my life. I still use condoms when I want to, but the addition of PrEP means I have more choice and freedom to navigate safe sex discussions.
How does testing fit into your sexual health strategy?
I get tested every three months and always inform partners right away if needed. Regular testing is very important. It helps keep my partners and me safe, not just from HIV but from anything else that can be transmitted via sex.
What would you suggest people do if they are unsure of what HIV prevention options are best for them?
Talk with sexual health experts and programs that focus on sexual health information. There are different options for HIV prevention. What works for some people might not work for others. I have spoken with the SAMESH team many times when I have questions or concerns.
For more information on how to prevent HIV visit What Works.