Understanding of non-binary and genderfluid people in SA is still evolving
Understanding of non-binary and genderfluid people in SA is still evolving
July 14th is International Non-Binary Peoples Day.
If you’re not aware, in simple terms, a non-binary person is someone who does not identify as exclusively a man or a w...
Keeping Up with the Flu Vax
Cold and flu season is rapidly approaching, and we encourage anyone who can to get their annual influenza vaccination. By keeping up-to-date on your flu shots, you help reduce the risk of serious influenza infection and protect those around you.
Dental Health at Poz Lounge Gathering
Dental Health at Poz Lounge Gathering
At our most recent Poz Lounge Gathering, held in collaboration with Positive Life South Australia (PLSA), we were lucky enough to have guests from the Adelaide Dental Hospital and Bobby Goldsmith Foundation talk ...